Quality of Care, Literacy and Reform

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is the lead federal agency charged with improving the quality, safety, efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare.

National Committee for Quality Assurance

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to improving healthcare quality. It has helped to build consensus around important healthcare quality issues by working with large employers, policymakers, doctors, patients and health plans

Health Literacy

Health Literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand the basic health information needed to make appropriate health decisions. Government health literary resources include: Health Resources and Services Administration and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

Maximus Federal Services Inc

The Maximus Federal Services Inc is an organization that has partnered with state, federal and local governments to provide critical health and human service programs to a diverse array of communities.

Health Law Helper

Health Law Helper is a free, confidential online tool that provides a personalized explanation of consumers' responsibilities and next steps under the Affordable Care Act based on answers to a few simple questions.  The tool, which was created by Consumer Reports, is also available in Spanish at: www.AseguraTuSalud.org.

Connecticut Health Policy Project 

Connecticut Health Policy Project is a non-profit, non-partisan research and educational organization dedicated to improving access to affordable, quality health care for all Connecticut residents.

Consumer Health Action Network

The Consumer Health Action Network is staffed by the Connecticut Health Policy Project. It offers a helpline to answer questions and help anyone access healthcare. Its services are free, private and available to anyone in Connecticut. For example, the Network can help with getting coverage, applications for assistance, insurance questions, and information on where to get healthcare services in Connecticut.