FAIR Health Consumer Access
Shared Decision Making and Preference-Sensitive Conditions
Do you need to talk to your doctor about treatment options for your health problem? Are you not sure which treatment option is the best choice for you? This article suggests ways to talk to your doctor about three common health problems where there may be no clear, “right” option. They are uterine fibroids, type 2 diabetes and slow-growing prostate cancer.
Coming Soon: FAIR Health Report on National Surveys of Older Adults and Family Caregivers
On February 14, FAIR Health will issue a report on two national surveys. One is a survey of older adults (those aged 65 and older). The other is of family caregivers/care partners. The surveys were carried out as part of a program generously funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation. The surveys concerned the needs of older adults and family caregivers/care partners regarding healthcare navigation and decision making.
How to Save Money on a Deductible
A deductible is how much you have to pay on your own for healthcare before your health plan kicks in and starts paying its share. You may have chosen a plan with a high deductible to save money on the monthly premium. But you also can save money while you’re paying off your deductible. Here’s how.
Fall Is Open Enrollment Season
Now that fall is here, it’s a good time to think about health insurance. That’s because fall is open enrollment season—the time of year when you can sign up for a health plan or make changes to the plan you have.
Types of Health Plans
When shopping for a health plan, you may see a plan described as an HMO, PPO, POS or EPO. Those abbreviations are important because the coverage, rules and typical costs differ for each type of plan.
How to Speak with Your Healthcare Provider to Make Informed Healthcare Decisions
Visiting your doctor or other healthcare provider? Whether you’re seeing your provider online or in person, good communication between you and your provider is key to getting the most out of your visit. Here are some tips to maximize your visit and make informed choices about your health.
TikTok Shines Light on FAIR Health Consumer Website
What do fairhealthconsumer.org and the app TikTok have in common? Just ask Dr. Jenaya Calderilla. Her three-part TikTok series showed people who didn’t have health insurance how to manage their healthcare bills using FAIR Health’s Medical Cost Lookup Tool. The series has had over 4.5 million views.
What Young Adults Need to Know about Health Insurance
Under 30? Even if you’re healthy and hardly ever see a doctor, there may be good reasons to have health insurance. And the fact is that coverage now may be less expensive than a big medical bill later.
Using Health Insurance While Traveling
If you’re planning a trip, the last thing you may want to think of is healthcare. But accidents and illnesses can happen on the road as well as at home. Here are the basics on using health insurance while traveling.
The Health Insurance Marketplace Is Open Now
Shopping for a health plan? Want to change the one you have? Depending on where you live, you now may have up to August 15, 2021, to sign up for or change your plan through the Health Insurance Marketplace. This special enrollment period is part of the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shopping for Shoppable Services
Sometimes, as in an emergency, you can’t shop around for healthcare. But for many health services you receive in a hospital or health system, you have time to plan. You can use our Shoppable Services tool to learn the average price for a service in your area and surrounding areas
Consumer Classroom Teaches the Health Insurance Fundamentals
Do you know the difference between an HMO and a PPO? Or between a copay and coinsurance? Now you can learn the basics of health insurance on the go. Download FAIR Health’s new, free mobile app, FH® Consumer Classroom.